Enhancing the Center for Quality of Life Development and Career Promotion for the Elderly at Tungphee Subdistrict, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Benyathip Singthon
Asst.Prof,Dr.Pojjana Pichitpatja


          This paper aims to 1) study the pathway to enhance the Center for Quality of Life Development and Career Promotion for the Elderly at Tungphee Subdistrict, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai and 2) investigate the standards and factors affecting the Center for Quality of Life Development and Career Promotion for the Elderly with a limited budget at Tungphee Subdistrict, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. This is a qualitative study that which in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions were used to collect data from the key informants consisting of 10 groups of people. Then the data was analyzed using 1) content analysis based on theoretical frameworks and related studies and 2) analytic induction based on data from the interviews and focus group. 
          The findings reveal that there are five pathways to enhance the quality of life of the elderly people at the Center for Quality of Life Development and Career Promotion for the Elderly, Tungphee Subdistrict which is 1) welfare management under the collaboration between a local government organization and local administrators 2) collaborative management under the collaboration of local government organization, local administrators, the government organization at the national and regional level and the community 3) collaborative management under the collaboration of local government organization, the government organization at the national and regional level and the community 4) collaborative management under the collaboration between a local government organization and the community and 5) collaborative management under the collaboration of the government organization at the national and regional level and the community. Besides, the two factors affecting the enhancement of the Center for Quality of Life Development and Career Promotion for the Elderly are leadership and strong networking.

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How to Cite
Singthon, B., & Asst.Prof,Dr.Pojjana Pichitpatja. (2022). Enhancing the Center for Quality of Life Development and Career Promotion for the Elderly at Tungphee Subdistrict, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(6), 328–340. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/255345
Research Article


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