Public Land Management on Community Participation Model in Maha Sarakham Province

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Wutthiwet Phukongchai
Watcharin Sutthisai
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Phuthila Noicharioen


          Public land has been related to public and private sectors, and especially, the local people who gradually encroach on public land which lead to conflict for example, land encroachment, damage on public, private lands. The purposes of the study were 1) to study level of the public land management on community participation, 2) to investigate level of using the public land on community participation, 3) to explore relationship between on the public land management community participation and the use of public land, 4) to examine factors of the public land management on community participation, 5) to study suggestions for solving problems on using the public land, and 6) to survey the public land management on community participation model in Maha Sarakham province. This study was a quantity research which using a mixed methods research design. The participants were 332 people who were selected through the calculation formula of Taro Yamane which the questionnaires were the instruments. The statistics used were the frequency distribution, average, mean, standard deviation, statistical hypothesis, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Method with the statistically significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 level. Besides that, the indebt-interviews were using as the qualitative research which used to collect the data from 18 people with the purposive sampling method. The descriptive method was used.
          The results shown; 1) the level of the public land management on community participation was totally at the high level, 2) the level of using the public land on community participation was in the high level, 3) the relationship between on the public land management community participation and the use of public land was in the high level at .840, 4) there were 8 factors of the public land management on community participation that R2 = .827 orderly under the stepwise regression; the government organization(X1), the private organizations (X2), social integration(X6), participation(X7), based on law and politic(X9), belief, faith and sacred things(X8), external environment(X10), community leaders/ village law(X3) which could be written equations in all forms below; The raw score formula was  = 1.092+ .288X1+ .122X2  + .132X6+ .056X8 + .031X7  + .086X9 + -.071X10 + .055X3 The standard score formula was  =  .452Z1 + .211Z2 +.163Z6 +.106Z8 + .092Z7 +.090Z9 + -.090Z10 + .055Z3

      5) the suggestions for solving problems on using the public land were preparing the knowledge of using the public land on the law, using the land for feeding animals, preparing the center for solving the problems on people’s discussion besides the leaders and the native people, and examination of the public land management impartially and giving punishment for invaders, and 6) the model of public land management on community participation in Maha Sarakham province included 16 factors; 1) government officials, 2) government organizations, 3) law and politics, 4) community leaders, 5) citizens, 6) various influences, 7) private organizations, 8)community leaders/ law villages, 9) social integration, 10) participation, 11) belief, faith and sacred things, 12) external environment, 13) new generation or new development, 14) government policy and controllers, 15) public consciousness, and 16) legal practice equally and fairly.


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How to Cite
Phukongchai, W. . ., Sutthisai, W. ., Soonthorn , S., & Noicharioen, P. . (2022). Public Land Management on Community Participation Model in Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(6), 12–29. Retrieved from
Research Article


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