The Guidelines of Educational Administration According to the Four Pala Dhammas of Educational Institutions under the Office of Special Education Administration in Khon Kaen
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the educational administration following the Four Pala Dhammas of educational institutions under the Office of Special Education Administration in Khon Kaen Province; 2) to propose guidelines for educational administration according to the Four Pala Dhammas of educational institutions. There were 194 samples of this study and 3 key informants. The tools used in collecting the data were: a questionnaire and an interview form with its reliability value of 0.92. The statistics used in data analysis were: Percentage, Frequency, Mean and Standard Deviation.
The research results revealed that 1) the overall practice of educational administration in accordance with the Four Pala Dhammas of educational institutions under the Office of Special Education Administration in Khon Kaen Province was rated at a high level. The highest-rated aspect was 'General Affairs Administration based on the Four Pala Dhammas', followed by 'Academic Affairs based on the Four Pala Dhammas,' 'Budget Administration based on the Four Pala Dhammas’ and ‘Personnel Administration based on the Four Pala Dhammas.' All studied aspects were rated at a high level. The final two had the same value of Mean and Standard Deviation.
2) The guidelines for educational administration according to the Four Pala Dhammas of educational institutions: (1) in terms of academic affairs based on the Four Pala Dhammas, administrators should hold on to ‘Paññā-Pala Dhamma’ which is the power of knowledge and the ability to manage academic work as the core principle of the operation. (2) In terms of budget administration based on the Four Pala Dhammas, administrators should adhere to 'Paññā-Pala Dhamma,' which is the power of knowledge, the ability and accuracy of financial work, and another one ‘Anavajja-Pala Dhamma’ which is the power of operating with integrity and honesty of those assigned to perform duties as financial officers. (3) In terms of personnel administration based on the Four Pala Dhammas, administrators should adhere to ‘Paññā-Pala Dhamma’ as the principle of personnel management and another one ‘Saṅgaha-Pala Dhamma’ which is the power of assistance and good human relations with subordinates. (4) In terms of general affairs administration based on the Four Pala Dhammas, administrators should adhere to ‘Paññā-Pala Dhamma’ as the main principle, and other two factors: ‘Viriya-Pala Dhamma’ and ‘Saṅgaha-Pala Dhamma’.
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