Developing Lecture Writing Skills of Students by Circ Collaborative Learning Techniques and Writing Skills Practice Exercise

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Nuntika Wongyaikham
Kanchana Wichayapakorn


          The purpose of the research were 1) to compare learning accomplishment of essay writing before and after studying being exposed to the cooperative learning through using the CIRC technique with writing skills practice exercise, and 2) to explore the satisfaction of the students towards the cooperative learning through the use of the CIRC cooperative learning method with writing skills practice exercise. The samples of the study were 13 students from grade 8 at Banmaepan School, selected using a subjective sampling strategy. The research instruments included 3 lesson plans of the CIRC cooperative learning technique with writing skills practice exercise, pre and post assessment for the essay writing, and the questionnaire for students’ satisfaction survey towards the learning method. Analytical statistics consisted basic statistics, mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples.
          The research findings revealed that: 1) the result of writing skills of students by CIRC collaborative  learning techniques and writing skills practice exercise showed that  the mean of the pre-test was 41.62, and the mean of the post-test was 48.15. As a result, the difference between the pre-test and post-test was 6.54 the score increased 10.88% of the pre-test. Additionally, the post-test score was higher than pre-test at the .05 level of statistical significance. 2) The questionnaire for students’ satisfaction about learning accomplishment of essay writing by the cooperative learning through using the CIRC technique with writing skills practice exercise was found to be at a high level ( = 4.25 , S.D. = 0.14)

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How to Cite
Wongyaikham, N., & Wichayapakorn, K. (2022). Developing Lecture Writing Skills of Students by Circ Collaborative Learning Techniques and Writing Skills Practice Exercise. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(6), 255–268. Retrieved from
Research Article


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