Development of Model of Buddist Learning Development Activities in Loei Senior Schools

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Taweesak Khraibut
Pradit Srinonyang
Techatat Paksangkhaney


           The objectives of the research were (1) to study the existing model of Buddhism learning activities in Loei Senior Schools, and (2) to develop the model of Buddhism learning activities of Loei Senior Schools. The research was conducted by the Research and Development (R&D). The key informants of the research were sixty senior students, purposively selected from three senior schools in Loei Province; Loei Senior School, Na O Sub-district Municipal Senior School, and Phu Ruea Sub-district Municipal Senior School. The instruments used for the qualitative data collection consisted of the group interview, the focus group discussion, and connoisseurship. The explanatory method and the content analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings of the research were as follows: 1) The existing model of Buddhism learning activities of Loei Senior Schools consisted of (1) Dhamma talk, (2) classroom learning and teaching, (3) the modern content on the people’s lifestyle together with the Buddha’s teachings, (4) ritual activities,  (5) precept observation, (6) meditation and mind development, and  (7) public-mindedness. 2) The model of Buddhism learning activities in Loei Senior Schools, developed by application of Buddhist Holy Abidings (Brahmavihara-dhamma), comprised of ten components; 1) the research goal, 2) the research objectives, 3) the content, 4) other supportive factors, 5) the process, 6) the interaction between the involved persons, 7) senior students, 8) lecturer monks, 9) school administrators, and 10) assessment. The content of the Buddhist learning activities in Loei Senior Schools was based on the Buddhist Holy Abidings in order to have senior students live their real life and interact happily to each other between lecturer monks and senior students, or among senior students.     

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How to Cite
Khraibut, T. ., Srinonyang, P., & Paksangkhaney, T. . (2022). Development of Model of Buddist Learning Development Activities in Loei Senior Schools. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 81–95. Retrieved from
Research Article


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