The Development of Supplementary Reading Books with Qr Code Technology in Subject Area of Quatrain for Students in Mattayom 3

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Kritsakorn Poomnuan
Omthajit Pansri


          The objectives of this research were 1) to create and find the efficiency of the supplementary reading books  with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain for students in mattayom 3 to meet the efficiency following the criteria 80/80, 2) to compare the learning achievement in subject area of quatrain before and after by using the supplementary reading books  with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain for students in mattayom 3, and     3) to study the satisfaction of students in mattayom 3 towards the supplementary reading books  with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain by using research and development methodology. The sample group was students in Mattayom 3 at Ban Klang Dong School, Thung Saliam District, Sukhothai Province for the academic year 2021, 23 students were selected by Purposive Sampling Means by using a research model of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The tools used were 1) 4 supplementary reading books with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain, 2) Learning Achievement Pretest and Posttest in subject area of quatrain, and 3) The questionnaire on the satisfaction of students towards extra-reading books together with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain. Statistics used to analyze the data were Mean (), Standard Deviation (S.D.), t-test dependent), and finding the efficiency of extra-reading books together with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain (E1/E2)
          The following were the results:
          1. The efficiency of the supplementary reading books with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain for students in mattayom 3 was efficiently 82.00/80.28 which was higher than the criteria 80/80.
          2. Learning Achievement in subject area of quatrain before and after studying by using the supplementary reading books with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain for students in mattayom 3 was found that after studying was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level. 
          3. Overall, the satisfaction of students in mattayom 3 towards the supplementary reading books  with QR code technology in subject area of quatrain was at the highest level (= 4.10, S.D. = 0.62)


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How to Cite
Poomnuan, K., & Pansri, O. . (2022). The Development of Supplementary Reading Books with Qr Code Technology in Subject Area of Quatrain for Students in Mattayom 3. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(7), 357–372. Retrieved from
Research Article


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