Development of Word Problem Solving Ability of Prathomseuksa 5 Students using CIPPA MODE with Metacognition Stratesya

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Sasitorn Ngamphong
Phamornpun Yurayat


This research aimed 1) to develop academic achievement of Prathomseuksa 5 Students using CIPPA MODEL with Metacognition, and 2) Developing the ability to solve math problems of Prathomnseuksa 5 Students using CIPPA MODEL with Metacognition Strategy to overcome 70 percent criteria of full score. This research was classroom action research. The participants of this study were Prathomseuksa 5 Students, semester 1, academic year 2020, Ban Dong Keng School (Nam Wattana Upatham), Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, Udon Thani, 1 classroom, obtained by means of purposive sampling. There were 3 action research cycles. Research instruments were composed of 1) Lesson plans CIPPA MODEL with Metacognition Strategy, 2) Academic Achievement Measurement Item, 3) Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Test Form.

The results of the study were as follows:

  1. Aacademic achievement of Prathomseuksa 5 Students using CIPPA MODEL with Metacognition Strategy The mean score was 15.36, representing 76.82%, which was higher than the 70% threshold.

  2. The ability to solve math problems of Prathomseuksa 5 Students using CIPPA MODEL with Metacognition Strategy to overcome 70 percent criteria from a full score of 20. Findings of action research cycle 1 revealed that the mean was 14.09, representing 70.45%. Cycle 2 revealed that the mean was 14.18, representing 70.90%. Cycle 3 revealed that the mean was 15.36, representing 76.81%.


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How to Cite
Ngamphong , S. ., & Yurayat, P. (2022). Development of Word Problem Solving Ability of Prathomseuksa 5 Students using CIPPA MODE with Metacognition Stratesya. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 210–226. Retrieved from
Research Article


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