A Study of environmental conservation factors of water bottles’ consumers in Khon Kaen Province

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Theenida Buntornwon
Ratchada Phakdeeying


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study environmental conservation factors, namely the knowledge of waste sorting, reducing the amount of waste from water bottles, reusing and recycling water bottles of bottled water consumers in Khon Kaen, 2) to analyse the exploratory factors of 3Rs, and 3) to propose guidelines for creating a policy for the management of used drinking water bottle in Khon Kaen. The data were collected by a questionnaire from a sample group of 400 people in Khon Kaen Province. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis.
           The results revealed that people in Khon Kaen had the highest level of waste sorting knowledge. There was a high level of opinion on the recycling of bottled water, followed by the reusing of bottled water at a high level and reducing the amount of waste from used bottled water is also at a high level. Furthermore, the findings of the exploratory factor analysis can be separated into 3 factors, i.e., 1) knowledge of waste sorting, 2)reducing the amount of waste from water bottles, and 3) reusing and recycling water bottles. The outcomes of the study can apply to develop a guideline for creating a policy on waste management from drinking water bottles and create public relations media to educate people in the area.

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How to Cite
Buntornwon , T. ., & Phakdeeying, R. . (2022). A Study of environmental conservation factors of water bottles’ consumers in Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(7), 131–142. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/256879
Research Article


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