Development of Systems and Mechanisms on Strategic Implementation at Primary Care Unit, Amnat Charoen Province

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Wuttipong Sinsap


          The purpose of this research were to develop and assess the system and mechanism for implementing the strategic plan of primary care units, Amnat Charoen Province. It was a participatory action research (Participatory Action Research: PAR) carried out in 2 loops. 108 of participants were the strategic plan operators who qualified according to the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.  Collect data were using a problem condition surveys, theoretical reasonableness and feasibility assessment form and a performance appraisal report form. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
          Results showed that 108 of  total participants, mostly male (56.60%), mean age 44 years, graduated with a bachelor's degree (66.10%), average 14 years working experience in public health strategy. The Systems and Mechanisms on Strategic Implementation at Primary Care Unit were to 1) Finding problems and planning 2) formulating policies that were concrete and ready for implementation 3) Implementation of the plan 4) transfer knowledge and understanding to all relevant personnel  5) control, control, monitor and evaluate, and 6) improve and reflect results.Implementation strategic plans of health networks overall, the results were moderate (µ=2.67,SD.= 0.43) and the results of the overall performance assessment of 58 indicators passed 47 indicators (81.03%), failed 11 indicators (18.97%).
          Conclusion:  This research resulted in implementation of  strategic plan to achieve the goal. Therefore, relevant agencies should implement a system and mechanism for implementing this strategic plan in their departments.

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How to Cite
Sinsap, W. . (2022). Development of Systems and Mechanisms on Strategic Implementation at Primary Care Unit, Amnat Charoen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 16–33. retrieved from
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