Analysis of Buying Behavior and Brand Loyalty of Community Enterprise, Pathum Thani Province

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Pattarapon Chummee


          Behavior and loyalty can determine business practices that match consumer groups. Moreover, it can also create attractiveness. This research is quantitative research. Data were collected from 324 community enterprise entrepreneurs in Pathum Thani Province by collecting specific samples in order of names. The research instrument used a questionnaire divided into 4 parts, using mean analysis and factor analysis. The objective of this study was to study the components of purchasing behavior and loyalty of community enterprises in Pathum Thani province.
         The results showed that the exploratory component analysis revealed that the repurchase decision (Bl2) had the highest component weight at 0.886. Consistency measurements are appropriate harmonious. (Chi-square=2.74, df=0, P-value =0.000, RMSEA=0.000)
          Knowledge from research and development of brands and packaging to be able to compete with other operators, generating recognition and repeat purchases. By wanting a unique product Improve taste and quality. Consistent quality control of taste and quality can enable consumers to remember a product and purchase it repeatedly. And develop online marketing channels. Access to social media and online marketing channels can help increase sales. But must provide content that is suitable for consumers.
         Entrepreneurial feedback promotes the production of unique products, creates recognition, creates a unique brand and packaging that is easy to remember. Collaborate to brainstorm to create different products in each location. And connect to online marketing channels and open new markets.


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How to Cite
Chummee, P. . (2022). Analysis of Buying Behavior and Brand Loyalty of Community Enterprise, Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(7), 1–12. retrieved from
Research Article


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