Achievements of an Operation Towards Becoming a Green University

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Panawan Premsri
Chot Bodeerat


          Green university is a university with an efficient management system under the concept of community participation in order to protect the environment and save energy. Resources are used efficiently and promoting the use of renewable energy. Also, integrating energy and environmental conservation into teaching and learning management, research, academic service, and in all activities of the university. This is to ensure working in a safe atmosphere, mixed with Eco-friendly and energy-saving which creates a positive effect on the environment and community.
          This article contains an introduction section that discusses the concept of Green University. Another section, discussing about the concept of green university, Universitas Indonesia Green University Criteria, related concepts and theories, factors affecting the implementation of green university, and success factors of becoming a sustainable Green university.


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How to Cite
Premsri , P. ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2022). Achievements of an Operation Towards Becoming a Green University. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 422–435. retrieved from
Academic Article


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