The Behavior of Using Car Loan Service and the Marketing Mix Factors in Customers’ Perspectives that Influence Decision to Select a Car to Cash Loan of Consumers in KhonKaen Province

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Nattida Tueanchanthuek
Bussagorn Leejoeiwara


          The objectives of this study were to study the behaviorof using car loan service, the marketing mix factors in customers’ perspectives that influence consumer decision to select a car loan in KhonKaen Province. This research is a quantitative research that used quota sampling. The questionnaire was used as the tool to collect data from 400 samples, who are potential customers owning one or more vehicles including cars and trucks, aged 20-60 years old. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple logistic regression.
          The results demonstrated that most of respondents own pickup cars, most of the vehicles were paid off and free of debt. Most of those who were still in debt with car loans use the service with Kasikorn Leasing Co., Ltd. The installment payment channel was debiting through a bank account. The marketing mix factors in customers’ perspective influencing the decision to select a car loan showed the means between 3.94-4.57. In addition, the hypotheses testing found 4 factors with statistical significance at 0.05 including 1) technological equipment to provide services such as tablets for processing electronic contracts, etc., 2) maintaining relationships with existing customers who use the service continuously, 3) a quick and clear approval process, and 4) accurate and precise working system. These 4 factors together can predict the decision to obtain car loan service at 71.75%.

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How to Cite
Tueanchanthuek, N. ., & Leejoeiwara, B. . (2022). The Behavior of Using Car Loan Service and the Marketing Mix Factors in Customers’ Perspectives that Influence Decision to Select a Car to Cash Loan of Consumers in KhonKaen Province . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 130–142. retrieved from
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