The Development of Skill Exercises for Oil Chalk Painting to Promote the Skill of Chasing Weight to the Color Cycle for Prathomsuksa 6 Students

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Krispasawee Thamthanasak


          The purposes of this research were: (1) to develop a skill practice on oil chalk painting to promote the skill of chasing the weights according to the color cycle to be effective according to the 80/80 criteria (2) toassess the skill of chasing the weights according to the color cycle. With a skill exercise on oil chalk painting to promote the color cycle chasing skills and (3) to assess students' satisfaction with learning with the skill exercises on oil chalk painting. To promote the skill of chasing the weights according to the color cycle.The sample consisted of 15 students in Prathomsuksa 6, 2nd semester of Academic Year 2021, Wat Konon School, using purposive sampling method. The research instruments were (1) a skill practice form, (2) an achievement measure, (3) a learning management plan, and (4) a satisfaction assessment form.The data were analyzed using averages. Standard deviation and compare the skills of chasing weights according to the color circuit before and after school using t-test statistics.
          The results of (1) the skill exercises on oil chalk painting to promote the skill of chasing the weights according to the color cycle. The efficiency value was 88.87/95.23 (2) Prathomsuksa 6 students had a score of 38.03 before learning the color cycle, 47.79 after school, which was significantly higher than the score before school. Statistics at the .05 level and (3) the students' satisfaction with learning with the skill exercises were at the highest level (x = 4.81 , S.D. = 0.13).

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How to Cite
Thamthanasak, K. (2022). The Development of Skill Exercises for Oil Chalk Painting to Promote the Skill of Chasing Weight to the Color Cycle for Prathomsuksa 6 Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 312–326. retrieved from
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