Factor Service that affecting Service Quality of Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited, Tha Wung Sub-Branch, Lopburi Province

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Kritlaphon Karnmitri
Sangjitt Trisang


         The objectives of this research were to study 1) levels of service, and service quality of Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited, Tha Wung Sub-Branch, Lopburi Province; 2) to compare service quality factors of Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited, Tha Wung Sub-Branch, Lopburi Province, classified by personal factors; and 3) to analyze relations between service and service quality of Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited, Tha Wung Sub-Branch, Lopburi Province. The research employs a quantitative method by using a close-ended questionnaire for survey research. Data were collected from 411 users of muangthai capital public company limited, Tha Wung sub-branch, Lopburi province under the concept of Yamane. The research was conceptualized to analyze the percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA by Lease Significant Difference (LSD) and Pearson's correlation by using a statistical software.
          The research findings revealed that 1) service factor was at high level ( =4.20, S.D.= .439), follow by quality assurance ( =4.30, S.D.=0.491), and service quality factor was at high level ( =4.19, S.D.=0.439), follow by concreteness of the service ( =4.24, S.D.=0.525), 2) personal factors different by occupation and status have an influenced service quality different of muangthai capital public company limited, Tha Wung sub-branch, Lopburi province at the statistically significant level of .05, and 3) service factors were significantly related at high to service quality at .01 (R2=.979**)

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How to Cite
Karnmitri , K. ., & Trisang, S. . (2022). Factor Service that affecting Service Quality of Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited, Tha Wung Sub-Branch, Lopburi Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 200–213. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/257275
Research Article


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