Guidelines for school management with participation between schools and communities of schools in Thung Saliam district Sukhothai Under the Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Poonyanud Ployseesung
Phimphaka Thammasit
Vajee Panyasai


          This research aims to study the current condition. and necessary needs and management guidelines participatory educational institutions between the school and the community of schools in Thung Saliam District Sukhothai Province under the Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples used in this research were 25 school administrators, 25 school chairmen, 25 school committees, obtained by selective selection, and 145 teachers, obtained by determining the sample size from the chart of the teacher. Jsy and Morgan, a total of 220 people, and 9 experts. The tools used for data collection were questionnaires and group discussion forms. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
          The results of the research were as follows: 1) Current conditions and necessity for participatory school administration between schools and communities. of schools in Thung Saliam District Sukhothai Under the Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, the overall level was at a high level, and 2) a guideline for educational institution management with participation between schools and communities. of schools in Thung Saliam District Sukhothai Under the Office of Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area 2, which is a school providing knowledge in promoting the conservation of arts and culture of the community, Therefore, traditions and culture It is a matter for parents to cooperate in cultivating a culture for learners. focus on teachers in the area and teachers to promote knowledge to children integration with the community in cultural conservation

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How to Cite
Ployseesung, P., Thammasit , P. ., & Panyasai, V. (2022). Guidelines for school management with participation between schools and communities of schools in Thung Saliam district Sukhothai Under the Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 72–86. retrieved from
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