Sustainable Community Participatory Solid Waste Management Process

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Nopphon Insee
Teerapol Khiawlueng
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


          Solid waste management is operations related to waste reduction, sorting, dumping, keeping trash in containers. and collection in order for the transportation to be disposed of at the waste disposal site that is technically The objective of this academic article was to study the sustainable waste management process with community participation. It was found that people and government agencies had to work together, namely: 1) Solid waste management at the source, solid waste generated by the community. than the solid waste generated from other sources. People have to apply the principles of solid waste management, namely the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) principle, as a practical guideline for efficient use of available resources that can help reduce the amount of waste. 2) Collecting solid waste in the community. The public must separate the waste before disposing it in the container provided by the agency. To make it easier to collect solid waste in the community of the community and local authorities. People have to separate waste into 4 categories before disposing, namely, recycled waste, organic waste, hazardous waste and general waste. 3) Solid waste disposal. Citizens and government agencies need to focus on three methods of hygienic disposal of solid waste: waste disposal by incineration; compost hygienic landfill.

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How to Cite
Insee, N., Khiawlueng, T., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2022). Sustainable Community Participatory Solid Waste Management Process. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(11), 480–493. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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