Developing maths learning activities by using the DAPIC problem solving process through a digital platform to promote the mathematical problems solving for students in grade 6

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Autsani Simuang
Jakkrit Jantakoon


          This research aims to 1) create and determine the effectiveness of maths learning activities using the DAPIC problem solving process through a digital platform based on the 75/75 criteria via a digital platform, 2) study the results of an experiment on maths learning activities using the DAPIC problem-solving process through a digital platform; 2.1) compare grade 6 students' maths problem solving abilities before and after  the treatment, 2.2) compare the maths problem solving abilities of Grade 6 students after the treatment with 75% of the criteria followed by research and development processes. The sample group was twenty-one Grade 6 students who were studying during semester 2 academic year, 2021 that were chosen by cluster sampling. The research instrument are maths learning activities by using the DAPIC problem solving process through a digital platform to promote the mathematical problems solving for students in grade 6 and maths problem solving ability test. The statistics were analysed using mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
          The results of the research were as follows:
          1. The results of creating and determining the efficiency of maths learning activities by using the DAPIC problem-solving process through a digital platform. was 96/84.17, which met the the 75/75 criteria.
          2. ability to solve maths problems after the treatment (=31.24, S.D.=2.28) was significantly higher than before (=9.86, S.D =5.51) at the 05 level of significance and ability to solve maths problems after the treatment (=31.24, S.D.=2.28) was 75 percent higher than the criteria. at the 0.05 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Simuang , A. ., & Jantakoon, J. . (2022). Developing maths learning activities by using the DAPIC problem solving process through a digital platform to promote the mathematical problems solving for students in grade 6. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(11), 281–295. Retrieved from
Research Article


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