States and Guidelines for Student Affairs Management in Digital Age in School under the Office of Khon Kaen Educational Service Area 4

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Patinya klungklang
Arkom Eungpuang


          The purposes of this research were: 1) to study current state and desirable state of student affairs management 2) to study the needs of student affairs management  and 3) to study the guidelines for the development of student affairs management in digital age of schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4. The sample group used in the study consisted of 2 phases: In 1st phase, the sample size was determined by Taro Yamane’s table using stratified random sampling, the sample group consisted of 67 administrators, 245 teachers, with the total number of 312 people. In 2nd phase, the target group consisted of 9 experts selected by purposive sampling method including school administrators and heads of student affairs department. The instruments used in this research included a 5-level rating scale questionnaire and semi-structured interview form. The statistics used for analyzing data comprised frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNI modified index.
          The research results were found that:
          1. The current state and the desirable state of student affairs management in digital age of schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4 were found that the current state, in overall, was rated at a high level, the desirable state, in overall, was found at the highest level.
          2. Needs for the development of student affairs management in digital age of schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4 ranked from the most to the least were as follows: 1) students’ welfare, 2) students’ activities, 3) students’ governance and discipline, and 4) guidance.
          3. Guidelines for the development of student affairs management in digital age of schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4 can be summarized as follows: 1) Student welfare consisted of 5 approaches. 2) Student activities consisted of 4 approaches. 3) Administrative work consisted of 3 approaches. 4) Guidance consisted of 3 approaches.


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How to Cite
klungklang, P., & Eungpuang, A. . (2022). States and Guidelines for Student Affairs Management in Digital Age in School under the Office of Khon Kaen Educational Service Area 4. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(11), 152–167. Retrieved from
Research Article


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