The Development of Math Board Game to Enhance Mathematic Skills of Elementary Educational Students

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Sorawee Korakotengarm
Phussadee Klinkesorn


          The study was experimental research. The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop a math board game to enhance mathematic skills of elementary school students at Wadbangjakreng School, Samutsongkram, and (2) compare the outcome of mathematic skills before and after using the boardgame by pretest and posttest exams of elementary school students at Wadbangjakreng School, Samutsongkram. The samplers was 42 elementary school students. The research tools consisted of (1) Pre-basic math lesson plan, (2) Plus-Minus-Multiply-Divide Mixed operation lesson plan, (3) Math board game, (4) Pre-basic math exam, and (5) Plus-Minus-Multiply-Divide Mixed Operation exam. The outcome of mathematic skills was analyzed by using the average mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), growth score and t-test dependent.
          The results showed that the use of Math Board Game (1) enhanced mathematic skills of elementary school students which was specifically designed by using Design Thinking. The games characteristics respond to learning outcome, and (2) the outcome of mathematic skills before and after using the boardgame when compared with pretest and posttest exams after learning was higher than before learning with a statistical significance at a level of .05. The growth score was at 28.82 in the middle level.


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How to Cite
Korakotengarm , S. ., & Klinkesorn, P. . (2023). The Development of Math Board Game to Enhance Mathematic Skills of Elementary Educational Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 1–15. retrieved from
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