The development of computer multimedia in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism among Matthayomsuksa 1 students, Wat Suthapot School

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นิภาวรรณ จัยสิน
ศุภวรรณ์ เล็กวิไล
ประเสริฐ แซ่เอี๊ยบ


           The objectives of this research article were to 1) to develop computer multimedia lesson in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism on the making of e-Book by Matthayomsuksa 1 students to ensure its efficiency can reach the 80/80 criteria, 2) to study pretest and posttest learning achievement in computer subject of Matthayomsuksa 1 students on the making of e-Book using computer multimedia lesson in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism, 3) to study construction skills of Matthayomsuksa 1 students who studied with computer multimedia lesson in conjunction with self-knowledge creation through constructionism, 4) to study satisfaction of Matthayomsuksa 1 students with computer multimedia lesson management in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism. The sample in the experiment comprised 30 Matthayomsuksa 1 students from the 2nd semester, the academic year 2021 of Wat Suthapot School, Ladkrabang District Office, Bangkok. The sample was selected by means of simple random sampling technique.
          The study results indicated as follows:
          1) The results of measuring efficiency of computer multimedia lesson in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism on the making of e-Book of Matthayomsuksa 1 students, Wat Suthapot School based on scores obtained during study showed that E1 was 83.73% and based on posttest scores showed that E2 was 84.67%. It means that the use of computer multimedia lesson in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism on the making of e-Book by Matthayomsuksa 1 students, Wat Suthapot School had efficiency of 83.73/84.67 (E1/E2), higher than the set criteria of 80/80.
          2)  Comparison between the pretest scores and posttest scores found the mean learning achievement score of students was higher than the posttest scores with the statistical significance level of 0.01.
         3)  Construction skills of Matthayomsuksa 1 students who studied with computer multimedia lesson on the making of e-Book based on self-knowledge creation through constructionism were at a very good level.
         4)  The evaluation of satisfaction with computer multimedia lesson in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through construcitionism on the making of e-Book of Matthayomsuksa 1 students, Wat Suthapot School, compared to the interpretation criterion, found that students had the highest level.

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How to Cite
จัยสิน น. . ., เล็กวิไล ศ., & แซ่เอี๊ยบ ป. . (2023). The development of computer multimedia in conjunction with self-knowledge creation theory through constructionism among Matthayomsuksa 1 students, Wat Suthapot School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 66–82. retrieved from
Research Article


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