Academic Achievement Comparison on HistorySubject Between Usinge-Book and Traditional Teaching Method for Students in Mathayom 3, Triam Udom Suksa Nomklao School

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asama yadee
Oranuch Limtasiri


          The purposes of this research were (1) to create and find efficiency of learning based on using electronic books (E-book) on Historical Development Democratic Era, Topic for M.3 Students, Triam Udom Suksa Nomklao School. The study emphasized on learning achievement based on the standard criteria standard of 80/80. (2) The study also aimed to compare the teaching techniques between using E-book and a traditional teaching method. The sample respondent was students in mathayom 3 in second semester, academic year 2021, Triam Udom Suksa Nomklao School. For research methodology, sample random sampling was used in this study. There were 2 sample rooms with totally 90 students, in which 45 students was the experimental group and the another 45 students was the control group. Research tools used in this study were (1) four E-books on the Historical Development Democratic Era for students in mathayom 3 (2) eight lesson plans with 16 periods (3) learning achievement tests on Historical Development Democratic Era for 30 questions based on the reliability value 0.83. The statistical data analyzation used in this study was Mean, Standard Deviation, Index of Difficulty, Discrimination, Reliability and t-test (calculated by statistical program).
           The research findings found that:
           1. The efficiency of E-book on the Historical Development Democratic Era for students in mathayom 3 indicated value at 80.08/82.17 when met the criteria standard
           2. Learning achievement of students based on E-book teaching method presented high value, which it was higher than students that taught by a traditional teaching method. It was in accordance with statistically significant at .05.

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How to Cite
yadee, asama, & Limtasiri, O. . (2023). Academic Achievement Comparison on HistorySubject Between Usinge-Book and Traditional Teaching Method for Students in Mathayom 3, Triam Udom Suksa Nomklao School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 259–273. retrieved from
Research Article


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