Development of Thai language learning management model using PDPS Model to promote reading and writing skills of words that do not meet the section for 3rd graders

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Chadaporn Jackruay


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of the service quality of Pho Thale District Register Office, Phichit Province according to the way of new public management, 2) to compare the personal factors to the service quality of Pho Thale District Register Office, Phichit Province according to the way of new public management, and 3) to study the problems and guidelines for improving the service quality of Pho Thale District Register Office, Phichit Province according to the way of new public management. This research applied the Quantitative Research with the Survey Research. The sample was 388 people from the calculation formula of Taro Yamane. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test (One Way ANOVA).
          Results of the Research1. Overall, the level of the service quality of Pho Thale District Register Office, Phichit Province according to the way of new public management was at the high level. 2. The comparison according to the way of new public management found that the people having the different genders, ages, degrees of education, status, occupations, income and times in service had no the different opinion to t to the service quality of Pho Thale District Register Office, Phichit Province according to the way of new public management. 3. The problems and guidelines found that 1) the problems were that the staff were insufficient in working, the staff did not apply the technology and equipment update in the service, the staff did not give the advice for the people in the service, and the organization did not publicize the information and the news to the people. 2) The guidelines for the improvement were that the organization should provide the staff sufficient to the service, reduce the service methods for the rapid service, provide the staff sufficient to answer the question of the people, publicize the information and the news about the law and regulations through the subdistrict headmen, the village headmen and the people, and apply the Information Technology and equipment update in the service.


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How to Cite
Jackruay, C. . (2023). Development of Thai language learning management model using PDPS Model to promote reading and writing skills of words that do not meet the section for 3rd graders . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(2), 348–363. Retrieved from
Research Article


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