Factors Affecting The Decision to Use The Service of A Pet Food Store Among Pet Humanization Group in Muang District, Sakon Nahon Province

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chanika pitakkosn
Bussagorn Leejoeiwara


          The Pet Humanization trend is becoming popular. Pet owner and pets are closer together. That brings Pet Humanization resulted in the growth of Pet businesses and lead to interest in doing the business of pet food store. The purpose of this study was to study the behavior of pet humanizers,  relationships of demographic factors and marketing mix factors affecting the decision to select pet food stores in Muang District, Sakon Nakhon Province. In addition, the study also aimed to study guideline for designing business model of a pet food store in Mueang District, Sakon Nakhon Province. It is quantitative research method using survey questionnaires to collect data from 400 people who are pet humanizers, and have purchased the animal feed from pet food stores in Muang District, Sakon Nakhon. Data were analyzed using statistical methods include percentage, mean, and standard deviation, Chi-square statistics and Multiple Regression.
          The results found that most of the respondents were female, age range from 25 to 34 years old, bachelor's degree, marital status was mostly single, having average income of 15,001– 25,000 baht per month, working as state enterprise employees and government employees, living with family, in a single house. Most of them has 1 pet, most of them has dog, the frequency of using pet food store is 1-5 times per month, and the spending on each visit is 500 baht or more, most popular type of feed is in the form of pellet food, choosing pet food store by themselves, aware of the store via word of mouth, and reason to choose the services from pet food store due to reasonable price compared to quality. Results of hypotheses testing on the marketing mix factors affectiong the decision to select pet food store found 3 factors to be significantly related including Price, Place or Distribution Channel, and Process. With regards to the relationships between demographic factors and decision to select pet food store, results of hypothese testing found age, marital status, income, and career to have signicant relationship with decision to select pet food store. Results of the survey then combined to design the business model of pet food store in Muang District, Sakon Nakhon Province.

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How to Cite
pitakkosn, chanika, & Leejoeiwara, B. . (2023). Factors Affecting The Decision to Use The Service of A Pet Food Store Among Pet Humanization Group in Muang District, Sakon Nahon Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 239–258. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/258811
Research Article


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