Development of a learning activity series on Introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management (Active Learning)

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Chadaporn Chekruay


          The objectives of this research were 1) to develop and find the effectiveness of the learning activities series on the subject of introductory letters and diphthongs. Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management (Active Learning) to be effective according to the criteria 80/80 2) To study the index of effectiveness of learning management with a learning activity set on the subject of first letters and conjunctions. bind together Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management 3) to compare the learning achievement before and after learning management with the learning activity set on Introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management (Active Learning) and 4) to study the satisfaction of students towards learning management with a learning activity set on the subject. Introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Prathomsuksa 3, together with active learning management. Under the Nonthaburi Provincial Administrative Organization 20 students who are studying in the second semester of Academic Year 2020, which were obtained by cluster random sampling. Thai learning subject group Grade 3, 7 sets. 2) Manual for learning activities on the subject. Introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management 3) Pre- and post-study test in the learning activity set on Introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Prathomsuksa 3, together with the active learning management (Active Learning), all 7 sets, which are 3 options, 10 items each, and an achievement test before and after the learning management with the activity set. Learning about prefixes and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Prathomsuksa 3, combined with active learning, was a three-choice, 40-item form, and 4) a questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with learning management with an activity set. Learning about prefixes and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management (Active Learning) 10 items. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and using t-test dependent statistics.
          1. The efficiency of the learning activity series on the subject of introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 combined with active learning management (Active Learning) equals 89.71/ 89.13
         2. Index of effectiveness of learning management with learning activities on the subject of introduction and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 combined with active learning management (Active Learning) is equal to 0.6778, which means that Students had an increase in academic progress by 0.6778 or 67.78%.
        3. The academic achievement of students who were organized learning through a series of learning activities on the subject of introductory letters and diphthongs. Thai learning subject group Grade 3 combined with active learning management had higher scores after learning management than before. statistically significant learning at the .01 level
         4. Students are satisfied with the learning management through a series of learning activities on the subject of introductory letters and diphthongs. Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management (Active Learning) as a whole is at the highest level. and when considering each item, it was found that The students were satisfied with all items at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chekruay, C. . (2023). Development of a learning activity series on Introductory letters and diphthongs Thai learning subject group Grade 3 together with active learning management (Active Learning). Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 373–392. Retrieved from
Research Article


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