Service Quality of Khao Kheow Open Zoo Education Department, Si Racha District, Chon Buri Province

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Suwichayanon Kanthana
Wanwipha Tailangka
Pongsak Phetsatit


          The purpose of this research is to study the service quality level of Khao Kheow Open Zoo Education Department and compare service quality and personal factors of Khao Kheow Open Zoo Education Department. Classified by personal factors, Data were collected by using questionnaires on the sample. The number of tourists who come to visit Khao Kheow Open Zoo, Si Racha District, Chon Buri Province. By random sample of 400 subjects and taking random samples as per their convenience. Selected tourists only who are willing to answer inquiries and provide information effectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. And inferential analysis were Chi-square. The results of the research were as follows. Most of the respondents were female, age over 30 years old, single, having a bachelor's degree, Occupational staff of private organizations, the average monthly income is between 15,001 - 30,000 baht, Have opinion for the quality of service at the highest level to the Khao Kheow Open Zoo Education Department. When considering each aspect in descending order was: Customer response, tangible service, reliability, empathy and quality assurance. Hypotheses testing revealed that the difference ages of tourists gave difference opinion to the service quality in aspect of reliability. And the different occupation of tourists gave difference opinion to the service quality in aspect of empathy were significantly different at the statistical level of .05

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How to Cite
Kanthana, S., Tailangka , W. ., & Phetsatit, P. (2022). Service Quality of Khao Kheow Open Zoo Education Department, Si Racha District, Chon Buri Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 13–24. retrieved from
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