Ending the Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Through Buddhist Peaceful Way of Negotiation

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Kaison Kunma
PhramahaSathit sutemano (Ratchawong)
Taweesak Kraiboot


          Conflict is a human-made social process. and when a person or group of people is in a situation where they have different opinions, beliefs, needs, attitudes, goals, interests and ways of working. including fighting for limited resources or acts of encroachment on the territory from other parties or another country for their group or their country achieve the goal The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is therefore an interaction of a hostile nature, such as those with more armed forces like Russia. therefore there is intimidation Putting pressure on opponents and aggression in order to achieve victory. War can be ended by negotiation. or only through peaceful means The use of weapons against opponents is therefore not the correct method. Buddhist peaceful method of negotiation Therefore, it is another way that the Buddha and the disciples of the Buddha has been used as a management tool peaceful conflict without violence, both directly and indirectly

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How to Cite
Kunma, K., sutemano (Ratchawong) , P. ., & Kraiboot, T. . (2023). Ending the Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Through Buddhist Peaceful Way of Negotiation. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(3), 451–465. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/259188
Academic Article


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