The Clothes Buying Behavior through Online Platforms and the Marketing Mix Factors of the Decision Making in Purchasing Clothes through Online Platforms
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the clothes buying behavior of online consumers through online platforms, 2) the marketing mix factors of the decision making in purchasing clothes through online platforms, and 3) comparison of opinion levels on the marketing mix factors of the decision making in purchasing clothes through online platforms, that classified by online consumer demographics. The sample group were 400 respondents who buy clothes through online platforms, that collecled data by probabilistic random sampling method. The tool used to collect data were the questionnaires, that had Cronbach's alpha at 0.94. The statistics used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way ANOVA.
The following were the results:
1. The buying behavior of online consumers through online platforms found the most of the respondents liked the simple clothing and style. The clothes types were trousers and t-shirts. They purchased through Instagram because the convenience of ordering. The frequency of buying clothes through online platforms was 2 times per month, 2 pieces each time, amounting more than 600 baht. Most of the respondents decided to buy clothes because the real reviewers.
2. The marketing mix factors of the decision making in purchasing clothes through online platforms found that; the respondents gave the highest priority in 7 aspests which produce, price, place, promotion, people, process, physical evidence, productivity and quality.
3. The respondents with the different of gender and age had different of the marketing mix factors in the decision to buy clothes through online platforms. The different of gender and age had different of the marketing mix factors in the decision to buy clothes through online platforms. The different of education level, occupation and monthly income had not different of the marketing mix factors in the decision to buy clothes through online platforms.
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