The interior design service guideline for the vertical residence in the area of Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province

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อันดามัน สุวรรณสิงห์
Ruchirat Patanathabutr


The objectives of this research were 1) The components of The interior design service guidelines for the vertical residence, and 2) The interior design service guideline for the vertical residence in the area of Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province. This research is a Mixed Methods Research of Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research. A sample of 515 people, including 15 interior design experts using a Purposive Sampling, and 500 experienced clients owned vertical residences in Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen province, using a using a Convenience Sampling collection method. This research tool is interviews and questionnaires, and statistics used for data analysis, including percentages and exploratory component analysis.      

            The following were the results:

  1. The components of The interior design service guidelines for the vertical residence classified 8 elements. There were (1) Highway to be The Best Designer,(2) Origin of Increased Opportunity, (3) Managing to Customer Confidence, (4) Experienced Designer, (5) Learning in-depth Design Work, (6) Active Marketing, (7) Non-Stop Quality Service, (8) Design for Green World. The components of interior design service was “The design gives customers to stay at home”.

  2. The interior design service guideline for the vertical residence in the area of Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province had 8 guideline, according to The composition of The composition of interior design service to proceed The interior design service guideline for the

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How to Cite
สุวรรณสิงห์ อ., & Patanathabutr, R. . (2023). The interior design service guideline for the vertical residence in the area of Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(3), 234–249. Retrieved from
Research Article


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