The Marketing Mix in Customer Perspective which Influence the Buying Descision of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery in Omni Channel in Udon Thani Province

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Nattapong Pankla
Bussagorn Leejoeiwara


          The objectives of this research were the marketing mix factors in customer perspective which influence the buying descision of agricultural equipment and machinery in omni channel. This research was a quantitative research that used convenience sampling. Sampling group included 400 respondants, whom bought the agricultural equipment and machinery. The questionnaires were a tool used to collection data. The questionnaires had alpha cronbach at 0.89. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple logistic regression analysis to analyze the information at the confidence level of 95%.
           The results showed that the marketing mix in customer perspective which influence the buying descision of agricultural equipment and machinery in omni channel comprised nine factors as follows: 1) a variety of products to choose from to meet your needs, 2) good quality products, 3) easy to compare product prices, 4) diverse distribution channels, both online and offline, making it easy to find and order products, 5) able to order online booking then pick up the product and pay at the store, 6) advertising and public relations through various social media, 7) there is a discount code or coupon when ordering products via online channels,            8) Knowledgeable staff are available to provide detailed advice. with products, 9) employees have good human relations, polite, smiling, 10) employees are willing and take good care of customers in providing services, 11) able to coordinate quickly and easily, and 12) have accommodation facilities. and provide drinking water, tea and coffee for customers. he accuracy in prediction was 83.50%.

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How to Cite
Pankla , N. ., & Leejoeiwara, B. . (2023). The Marketing Mix in Customer Perspective which Influence the Buying Descision of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery in Omni Channel in Udon Thani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(3), 1–14. Retrieved from
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