Guidelines for Managing Activities to Develop Learner On Student Life Skills In Schools To Expand Educational Opportunities Under The Office Of Phrae Primary Education Service Area 2
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The purpose of this research was to study the current situation, problems and guidelines for the management of activities for the development of life skills learners. of students of the Opportunity Expansion School under Phrae District 2 From a sample of 227 administrators and teachers, the data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. A study of the guidelines for the management of activities for the development of learners in life skills The method used to interview 12 people involved. The results showed that The present condition of the overall student development activities is practiced at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects were at a high level. The aspect with the highest performance average was the measurement and evaluation aspect. The side with the lowest mean was planning Problems in managing student development activities of schools expanding educational opportunities under Phrae District 2, found that there was a lack of support for budget allocation. Teachers lack expertise. Guidelines for managing activities to develop learners in student life skills planning The school should hold a meeting Plan to allocate enough budget for activities. Prepare personnel and set clear guidelines hands-on Schools should create partnerships for students to participate. and create a variety of activities to cover in accordance with real life. Teacher Schools should organize learning exchanges. Supervise and monitor the implementation of the results of activities to improve or develop the management. Schools should build networks and collaborate from all parties. including raising awareness In terms of measurement and evaluation, there must be measurements and evaluations based on actual conditions. and in accordance with the context of the school
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