The Buying Behavior of Construction Products and The Consumer’s Satisfaction with the Service Marketing Mix in the Decision to Purchase Construction Products of Kiattisak Aluminum, Phochai District, Roi Et Province

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Kiattisak Ribjaem
Nitipon Phutachote


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the buying behavior of construction products of the customer’s Kiattisak Aluminum, and  2) to study the consumer’s satisfaction with the service marketing mix in the decision to purchase construction products of Kiattisak Aluminum, Phochai district, Roi Et province. The sample group were 400 customers of Kiattisak Aluminum, that collecled data by convenient random method. The tool used to collect data were the questionnaires, that had Cronbach's alpha at 0.98. The statistics used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way ANOVA.

The following were the results:

  1. 1. Buying behavior of construction materials, it was found that most of the respondents bought electrical equipment, light bulbs, lamps, and wires. The objective of purchasing construction products was housing renovation. The reason of buying was the product was cheap. Purchase frequency was 3-4 times a month. Expenses for purchasing products 2,001-5,000 baht per time, pay for products by cash. Most of them buy products through the storefront. and pick up the product yourself at the shop. The person who is involved in the purchase decision or influencing the decision to buy the product were themselves. The channel for receiving news and promotions that you want is a cut-out sign.

  2. The consumer’s satisfaction with the service marketing mix in the decision to purchase construction products of Kiattisak Aluminum found that; the customers had the high satisfaction. The hypothesis testing results found that the customers with the different of gender and occupation had different the satisfaction of service marketing mix in the decision to purchase construction products. The customers with the different of age, education level, and monthly income had not different the satisfaction of service marketing mix in the decision to purchase construction products.

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How to Cite
Ribjaem , K. ., & Phutachote, N. . (2023). The Buying Behavior of Construction Products and The Consumer’s Satisfaction with the Service Marketing Mix in the Decision to Purchase Construction Products of Kiattisak Aluminum, Phochai District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(3), 122–133. Retrieved from
Research Article


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