Guidelines for academic management in the digital age to be effective in educational institutions under the Office of The Promotion of Informal and Informal Education in Chonburi Province.

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Artith Pimcost
ศิริรัตน์ ทองมีศรี


This research has objectives 1) To study the academic management conditions of educational institutions affiliated with the Office of The Promotion of Informal Education and Informal Education in Chonburi Province 2) To compare the conditions of academic administration by age and work experience 3) To study how to effectively manage academics in the digital age. Research samples - 123 Teachers A total of 118 people were sampled from Krejci and Morgan's table. Five school administrators   used a specific selection method, a tool used to collect questionnaires and interviews. Statistics used to analyze the data include percentages, averages, standard deviations, and one-way ANOVA tests.

The results showed that 1) the state of academic administration in the digital age of educational institutions affiliated with the Office for the Promotion of Informal and Informal Education in Chonburi province, overall and individually, 2) comparison of academic administration in the digital age. 3) How to effectively manage academic work in the digital age. 3.1 Learning management: Curriculum development continuously. Using technology to help manage learning according to learners' needs 3.2 Measurement and evaluation Clearly defined measurement and evaluation guidelines. The implementation of technology facilitates the measurement and evaluation of education 3.3 Inservice within the school has clearly appointed personnel to monitor local activities. 3.4 Research to improve education, educate teachers on research, promote and support teachers' research 3.5 Media development, innovation, technology, and learning resources. The need for media is explored. Providing materials, equipment, and technology to help organize learning activities. Promote the use of educational resources inside and outside the school premises.           


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How to Cite
Pimcost , A. ., & ทองมีศรี ศ. . (2023). Guidelines for academic management in the digital age to be effective in educational institutions under the Office of The Promotion of Informal and Informal Education in Chonburi Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(3), 250–269. Retrieved from
Research Article


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