Relationship Between Digital Leadership and the Academic Administration of Secondary School in Angthong Province

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Narudom Engchuan
Jitima Wannasee


         The purposes of this research were to study 1) administrators’ digital leadership of secondary school 2) the academic administration of secondary school 3) relationship between digital leadership and the academic administration of secondary school. The sample consisted of 242 teachers in secondary school in Angthong Province. The tool used for collecting data was a 5 rating scale questionnaires. The statistics that used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
          The result revealed that ; 1. administrators’ digital leadership of secondary school in Angthong Province was overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that digital vision was the highest mean, followed by cooperation while motivation was the lowest mean. 2. the academic administration of secondary school in Angthong Province was overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the learning process development was the highest mean, followed by the curriculum development while the researching for the development of quality education was the lowest mean and 3. the relationship between digital leadership and the academic administration of secondary school in Angthong Province. There was found positive and a high relation.

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How to Cite
Engchuan, N., & Wannasee, J. (2023). Relationship Between Digital Leadership and the Academic Administration of Secondary School in Angthong Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 102–112. Retrieved from
Research Article


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