The Development of Public Management with Good Governance in Local Administration in Thailand

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Naphat Phonphai
Jirattaphat Thararit
Prangthip Kraturoek
Phloichomphu Tabem
Chot Bodeerat


         Good governance and social affairs is a concept arising in Thai society during the economic crisis in 1997, which is believed to be the main cause of deficiencies, weaknesses, and inefficiency of the management mechanisms in both the public and private sectors. Therefore, the foundation for a new way of government administration must be laid. along with improving efficiency with good governance or good governance, which is an important principle in the development of Thai government. The objective of this journal was to analyze the development of public management with the good governance in the local administration in Thailand. It was found that the development of public management with the good governance was the principle of public management for the achievement, the efficiency, the value in the public task, the suitable method of working, and improving the task up to date. The people were convenient and were responded in the demand. The evaluation of working was regularly for the benefit of the people. This development increased the working in accordance with the law and regulations updated.

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How to Cite
Phonphai, N., Thararit, J., Kraturoek, P., Tabem, P., & Bodeerat, C. . (2023). The Development of Public Management with Good Governance in Local Administration in Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 191–205. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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