Local Development Plan : Principle, Method and Process of Sustainable Local Development

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Nopphon lnsee
Panisara Nalert
Teerapol K hiawlueng
Chot Bodeerat


          The local development plan was the tool for building the learning of the people in the community and solving the problems of the community with the process of the people participation in the community as the key of the local development. The objective of this journal was to study the principle, method and process in making the local development plan for the sustainable local development. It was found that the principle, method and process in making the local development plan should manage in 9 steps for making the local development plan: 1) coaching the trainers for making the local development plan, 2) the forum for making the understanding of trainers, 3) analyzing the data in learning of themselves and the community, 4) the analysis and synthesis of the community data, 5) drafting the local development plan, 6) specifying the plans and projects for the community development, 7) the public hearing for the local development plan, 8) following the local development plan, and 9) evaluating and summarizing the lessons.

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How to Cite
lnsee, N. ., Nalert, P. ., hiawlueng, T. K., & Bodeerat, C. . (2023). Local Development Plan : Principle, Method and Process of Sustainable Local Development. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 335–347. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/259926
Academic Article


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