The Study on Chinese Percussion Ensemble Teaching at Shanxi Art Vocational College in Shanxi Province of China

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Ren Xiaobei
Orawan Banchongsilpa


          The objectives of the research were: (1) To study the percussion ensemble exercise from "Hue Yue Da Dian" (Chinese percussion textbook), (2) To construct the lesson plan for teaching, (3) To teach the lesson plan to the Chinese percussion experimental group, (4) To find out the efficiency of teaching by using lesson plan; (5) To know the students' satisfaction in learning. The hypothesis was (1) The efficiency of the lesson plan is 80/80; (2) The students' satisfaction with learning is at a good level.
          This research was quantitative and experimental. The 10 second-year college students majoring in Chinese percussion Students in Shanxi Arts Vocational College, Shanxi, China, were selected as a sample by purposive sampling. The research tools were: (1) lesson plan, (2) Performance test, (3) Satisfaction form, and (4) IOC form. The percentage (%), average, and S.D. were used for statistical analysis.

Research findings were: (1) Two exercises used in teaching were: "Ox vs.Tiger."
          Piece (Datang drum duet) and "Drama" (cymbals trio). (2) the lesson plan was provided. (3) the lesson plan was experimented with. (4) the efficiency of the lesson plan of the Chinese percussion ensemble was 88.7/95.2 (average= 4.42, S.D=0.27/average= 4.76, S.D=0.21) higher than the hypothesis. (5) The students' satisfaction after learning by using the lesson plan was at a good level (average= 4.94, S. D= 0.05). The results indicated that the Chinese percussion ensemble lesson plan was effective, and the students were satisfied with learning this lesson plan. This lesson plan was able to use for teaching the Chinese percussion ensemble.

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How to Cite
Xiaobei , R. ., & Banchongsilpa, O. . (2023). The Study on Chinese Percussion Ensemble Teaching at Shanxi Art Vocational College in Shanxi Province of China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(5), 196–205. retrieved from
Research Article


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