Student’s Satisfaction of Learning in Body Fitness Course

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Xueyu Jin
Eksiri Niyomsilp


          College students are the main body of college physical education courses. Their satisfaction can reflect the quality of university fitness and bodybuilding courses to a certain extent. To this end, this study borrows the theoretical model of customer satisfaction, adopts a hybrid research method, and builds a model satisfaction model of college students' fitness and bodybuilding courses through in-depth interviews, then verify the assumption proposed by the model. The study found:1. Teacher image has a positive impact on student expectation, Perceived quality, and student satisfaction; Students expect a significant positive impact on perceived value; Perceived quality has a positive and positive impact on perception value and student satisfaction. The study also found: Perceived quality and perceived value plays a part of the intermediary role in the path that the teacher image affects students' satisfaction; Student expectation and perceived values play a part of the intermediary role in the path of teacher's satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Jin, X., & Niyomsilp, E. . (2023). Student’s Satisfaction of Learning in Body Fitness Course. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(5), 161–170. Retrieved from
Research Article


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