Factors Affecting on Garbage Management in Somdet District Municipality, Kalasin Province.

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Chutikan Khotamee
Sauwaluck Nikornpittaya
Watcharin Sutthisai


          The study purposes 1) to study levels of factors affecting on garbage management,
2) to investigate levels of garbage management, 3) to factors affecting on garbage management, 4) to explore suggestions on garbage management in Somdet District Municipality, Kalasin Province. The study was the quantitative research. The research instruments were the questionnaires. The participants of the research were 18 people who were from 358 houses in Somdet District Municipality, Kalasin Province which calculated through Taro Yamane with validity at 0.929. The statistic used were frequency distribution, mean, average, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment, and Multiple Linear Regression significantly at .05 and .01. Besides that, suggestions were calculated through the frequency distribution and descriptive way.
          The results shown that 1) levels of factors were at high level, 2) levels of garbage management were at high level, 3) there were 5 factors affecting on garbage management in Somdet District Municipality, Kalasin Province; garbage management was 49.00 (R2 = .49, F = 48.46) significantly at .01. 4) suggestions on garbage management in Somdet District Municipality, Kalasin Province were about giving knowledge on separating the garbage in order to make understanding in the community. Moreover, the municipality should manage and getting rid of the garbage systematically and suitably, such as preparing staff for garbage management, adding the amount of times for getting rid of garbage, offering the garbage types separately and clearly, preparing the due dates for scavenging obviously, giving knowledge and enhancing to reuse the garbage in order to increase the income of the community, offering to publicize and having campaign for getting rid of the garbage appropriately and there should be area for the hazardous waste obviously and sufficiently.

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How to Cite
Khotamee, C. ., Nikornpittaya , S. ., & Sutthisai, W. . (2023). Factors Affecting on Garbage Management in Somdet District Municipality, Kalasin Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(6), 145–163. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/260681
Research Article


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