Choral Teaching Based on Aesthetic Education in China

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Yang Xi
Chutasiri Yodwised
Pariphon Dinlansagoon


          Music education occupies an important position both at home and abroad, whether it is the art of the "Six Arts" in ancient China or the music of the "Seven Arts" in ancient Greece, all belong to music education. Music education has a long history. Confucius, the master of Confucian thought in ancient China, believed that a person's comprehensive cultivation could not be separated from music. For example, in the Analects of Confucius, Taibo, the view that "standing in poetry, standing in the ceremony, and becoming in music" is just this meaning. The Spartan education system of ancient Greece believed that music could encourage children's courage and discipline and required children to learn to sing hymns and military songs. In medieval Europe, music had long held an important educational position and was kept among the so-called "seven free arts."

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How to Cite
Xi, Y. ., Yodwised, C. ., & Dinlansagoon , P. . (2023). Choral Teaching Based on Aesthetic Education in China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(6), 247–254. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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