Buddhist Principles for Services People

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Phrakhru Thgamrongkunatarn (Khun Tharo) sisuwan
Somdet Namket
Boonsong Sinthunok


          Providing public services is work or activity in which a person or group of persons or entities involved in the provision of services performs the duties of delivering services to the public with the aim of to meet the needs of the people as a whole which is all types of services or activities that the government or private sector Prepared to meet the common needs of people or customers. in order to achieve satisfaction in requesting services Providing services to the people according to the 4 Sangkhahawatthu Dharma is the principle that has been set up for assistance. clinging to each other's sympathy help build unity connect Make goodwill among the group or society. Buddhist doctrine called It is another Buddhist principle in the teachings of Buddhism. It is a principle related to helping each other. It is one principle that helps the administration within the organization go smoothly. because it is the principle that binds people's hearts and unites the people in unity By following the principles of Sangahawatthu 4, which are virtues that bind people's hearts and unite the people. It is the principle that makes people loved and pleasing to the general public. is a plantation add kindness to each other make society happy and by following the 4 Sangahavatthu principles, which are virtues that bind people's hearts and bring people together to unity It is the principle that makes people loved and pleasing to the general public. is a plantation add kindness to each other make society happy And from the review of various documents, it was found that scholars have given the meaning of Sangahavatthus 4

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How to Cite
(Khun Tharo) sisuwan, P. T. ., Namket , S. . ., & Sinthunok, B. . . (2023). Buddhist Principles for Services People . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 421–433. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/260794
Academic Article


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