Cultivating Volunteer Spirit and Conscience of Moral and Ethical Organization in Society

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Phrakru Siripapassarakun Pabhassaro (Dong Mesree)
Somdet Namket
Boonsong Sinthunok


          The wellnessand happiness is the satisfaction of all societies that occur from people in society. Most people must practice in accordance with virtue and morality and this thought is accepted by most general people in society. Every country, therefore, tries their best to find out the standard in implanting, training and enhancing the population in the nation to have the virtue and morality. In addition, the virtuous and moral issues are the important point for education in the universal or world level that every country tries to study or to search for knowledge in order to understand concerning to the way or strategy in implanting the virtue and morality for the people efficiently including the method how to carry on in the level of nation or the country in order to implant, enhance and develop the morality to people in the nation.
          The situation of the native nation of Thailand in the present probably is worried about from the current of globalization that leads Thai society towards the material success. People in society search for the success in life by the economic, authority, beneficial aspect until many people agree with each other that at the present, Thailand begins to be weak and face the critical time in many aspects such as political, educational, economical aspect, especially, worrisome things are the ruin of virtue and morality of people in the nation in the level of the politicians, officials or people in various vocations. The features are clearly seen that corruption, criminals and narcotics are spread out to the group of youths, students from the primary schools to the highest education. All of these mentioned are unsatisfaction.

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How to Cite
Pabhassaro (Dong Mesree), P. S. ., Namket , S. ., & Sinthunok, B. . (2023). Cultivating Volunteer Spirit and Conscience of Moral and Ethical Organization in Society. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 383–396. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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