Relationship between Transformative Leadership of Principals and Work Motivation of Teachers in the Chonburi 3 School Consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office

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Phakronkiat Khongpinonsin
Urairat Yamchuti
Nophawan Yamchuti


          The research aims to study (1) levels of the transformative leadership of school principals in the Chonburi 3 school consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office, (2) levels of work motivation of teachers in the Chonburi 3 school consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office, and(3) the relationship between the transformative leadership of the principals and work motivation of teachers in the Chonburi 3 school consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office. Classified by status, gender, age, educational level, work experience, position and Transformative Leadership of Principals The total population of 1,157 people was calculated by sample size by opening the table of  Krejcie and Morgan (1970, pp. 607-610). A total of 291 persons were used. The research instrument was a questionnaire  with confidence values of 0.98, Data were analyzed utilizing frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
          The findings revealed that (1) the overall level of the transformative leadership of the school principals in the Chonburi 3 school consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office was high. When inspecting individual aspects, the highest average aspect was to construct prestige, followed by to stimulate the intellect, while to inspire was

the lowest. (2) Overall work motivation of teachers in the Chonburi 3 school consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office was high. When inspecting individual aspects, the highest average aspect was work accomplishment, followed by responsibility, while gaining respect was the lowest. (3) A positive relationship betweenthe principals' transformative leadership and teachers' work motivation in the Chonburi 3 school consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office was found, significantly at .01 level. With a correlation coefficient of 0.76.


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How to Cite
Khongpinonsin , P. ., Yamchuti, U., & Yamchuti, N. (2023). Relationship between Transformative Leadership of Principals and Work Motivation of Teachers in the Chonburi 3 School Consortium under the Chonburi-Rayong Secondary Educational Services Office. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 187–202. retrieved from
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