Mentor team : Important Role in Poverty Eradication and Development of People of all Ages According to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy

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Praonrat Rodbumrungchotsin
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


          The National Strategy has established the principles of creating opportunities and social equality to reduce inequality, decentralize the economy, strengthen social power, and increase the capacity of communities. Therefore, the government has a project to eradicate poverty and develop people of all generations in a sustainable manner according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy. sustainable according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy.It was found that the mentoring team plays an important role in implementing the four principles as follows: T1 is attitude towards life towards work and problems, T2 is skill and vocational skills, and T3 is family capital. (household potential) and community capital, Thor4 is to find a solution. By going in and providing assistance to 3 target groups by a team of mentors proactively going to the household area. To analyze problems and approaches to solve problems together with the target households to prepare a household development solve household problems that fall out of the criteria by various dimensions to meet the needs of households By using the philosophy of sufficiency economy to eliminate poverty and develop people of all ages sustainably. The mentoring team plays an important role in reducing poverty and inequality. Develop and stimulate the economic system at the grassroots level to recover with stability and strengthen the community's potential for strength and self-reliance in a sustainable manner.


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How to Cite
Rodbumrungchotsin, P. ., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2023). Mentor team : Important Role in Poverty Eradication and Development of People of all Ages According to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 397–409. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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