Factors Affecting the Teamwork Effectiveness of Secondary Education Teacher in the Office of Secondary Education Service Area in Samut Prakan

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Chawakit Thongnuypram
Pimprapa Amornkitpinyo
Thanyatorn Amornkitpinyo


In this research, the researcher aims to 1) Study factors affecting the teamwork effectiveness and performance of teacher, 2) To study the relationships among factors affecting the teamwork effectiveness of teacher, and 3) To create forecasting equation of the teamwork effectiveness of teacher. The sample group used in this research were 300 government secondary school teachers in the secondary education service area office of Samut Prakan. The applied data collection method was conducting questionnaire. Statistical methods used in data analysis were mean (), Standard deviation (S.D.), and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

According to the study, the findings revealed that the variable that affected the teacher’s teamwork effectiveness the most was ‘team relationship’ ( = 4.41, S.D. = .34), and the variable that affected the teacher’s teamwork effectiveness the least was ‘communication’ ( = 3.50, S.D. = .63). Moreover, there were 28 pairs of relationships that affected factors of teacher’s teamwork effectiveness and performance with values between .001 - .939, whereas there were 22 pairs with significance value of .05. The analysis of stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that 7 variables that affected the teacher’s teamwork effectiveness and performance were 1) Leadership characteristics and acceptance (X1), 2) Role and position assignment (X2), 3) Communication (X3), 4) Decision making and operation (X4), 5) Team relationship (X5), 6) Knowledge sharing and social support (X6), and 7) Workflow design (X7). These 7 variables may account for 76.02 percent of the variation in teamwork performance and effectiveness of teacher. The unstandardized score and standardized score equations are as followings:


The Predictive Equation in Unstandardized score:

                         =   -  +  - -  +  +

The Predictive Equation in Standardized score:

                          =   -  +  - +  +  +


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How to Cite
Thongnuypram, C., Amornkitpinyo , P. ., & Amornkitpinyo, T. . (2023). Factors Affecting the Teamwork Effectiveness of Secondary Education Teacher in the Office of Secondary Education Service Area in Samut Prakan. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 18–34. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/261530
Research Article


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