Current situation of Nujiang Folk Song teaching in Dianchi University, China

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Chen Huan
Suvicha Suwanmanee


          China's Yunnan Province has a reputation as "the sea of folk songs." There are many excellent local folk songs in Yunnan. Chinese folk songs come from many different provinces, among which the folk songs of Yunnan Province are frequently performed on professional vocal music stages in China, such as concerts, song and dance parties, and large-scale professional vocal music competitions. Many musicians like to sing Yunnan folk songs, which are closely related to the large minority population in Yunnan and the land's unique culture. The Nujiang folk song has its unique charm among all Yunnan folk songs. There is a local saying in Nujiang that "if you can talk, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance," which shows the local people's love of singing and dancing. Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, located northwest of Yunnan Province, is home to the Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Pumi, Han, and other ethnic minorities. They live in harmony in this land. Nujiang folk songs have strong local characteristics and rich content, such as major historical events, hard labor, weddings, and funerals in daily life customs. These songs vividly reflect many things people come into contact with in their daily life, with beautiful melodies, and are worth learning and singing. Nujiang folk songs are sung or spread more by local people due to dialect, region, and other reasons. This article presented the current situation of Nujiang Folk Song teaching in Dianchi University in China.

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How to Cite
Huan , C. ., & Suwanmanee, S. . (2023). Current situation of Nujiang Folk Song teaching in Dianchi University, China. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(9), 341–349. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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