The Optimization of Talent Training Mode of Chinese Painting Major in Beijing Area Comprehensive Universities

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Wang Ziwei
Sutida Howattanakul
Sataporn Pruettikul


          The objectives of this research were: (1) To study the current situation and  main problems of the talent training mode of Chinese painting majors in Beijing area comprehensive universities; and (2) To develop the composition factors of the talent training mode of Chinese painting majors in Beijing area comprehensive universities; (3) To verify the optimization scheme for the talent training mode of Chinese painting majors in Beijing area comprehensive universities. This research was a mixed method research, including quantitative research and qualitative research. The population consisted of 530 Chinese painting major teachers and administrators from 10 universities in Beijing Area. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan's Table (1970 : online) and obtained through stratified random sampling technology. There were 220 leaders and teachers. Key information providers were 8 experts, who were presidents or deans and lecturers of Chinese painting majors from 10 comprehensive universities in Beijing area with more than 10 years of work experience.Experience gained through purposeful sampling methods. The tools used for data collection were semi-structured interview form and five point rating scale questionnaires. Statistical data used for data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and content analysis.
          The results show that: (1) A total of 153 variables of current situation and major problems of the talent training mode of Chinese painting major in Beijing area comprehensive universities, through literature and in-depth interviews. (2) There were 4 components in the optimization plan of the talent training mode of Chinese painting majors in Beijing area comprehensive universities, which were cultivation objectives, curriculum systems, evaluation systems and educational facilities. (3) There were 21 optimization scheme guidelines for talent training mode of Chinese painting majors in Beijing area comprehensive universities, including 4 optimization scheme guidelines for the cultivation objective, 8 optimization scheme guidelines for the curriculum system, 4 optimization scheme guidelines for the evaluation system, and 5 optimization scheme guidelines for the educational facility.

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How to Cite
Ziwei, W., Howattanakul , S. ., & Pruettikul, S. . (2023). The Optimization of Talent Training Mode of Chinese Painting Major in Beijing Area Comprehensive Universities. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(9), 68–84. retrieved from
Research Article


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