Quality of Life and Public Services Accessibility through the Highlander Maejai District, Phayao Province

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Thanchanok Phonhan
Siripong Ladavalya Na Ayuthya


          This research aims to study people’s quality of life, access to public services, and expectations for public services from the government in Ban Pa miang, Ban Pha daeng and Ban Pang Puloh in Mae Chai District, Phayao Province. The goal is to improve their quality of life by studying their problem, obstacle, and finding a solution, including research for the possibility of relevant government agencies to come and help make public services satisfactory to people. Making the life of highlanders become better. Methodology for quantitative research methods and qualitative research. Gathered data by interviewing 630 highland people in 3 villages by calculating the example group via 'calculation formula' from 'Taro Yamane' at a 95% confidence level and got 245 people for the group example to go for the intense interview by the community leader and 13 involved officers in that area and categorize 3 people into 1 village, 9 in total.
          The research shows that 1) the people in the sample group had a moderate level of overall quality of life, Physical Quality of Life 2) Economy in a low level and rarely to get into the public facilities systems and received a kind of public service system such as Public utilities and public utilities in the community at a very low standard 3) But still set an expectation to get Public utilities and public utilities in the community to be as good as possible. 4) The biggest problem with organizing a public facility system is lack of the cooperation from other involved departments which is caused to weak and unclear plans, having the main consideration center. 5) The hope from villagers about an opportunity to organize the public facility is giving a priority to the plan at every level, acknowledging to the leader of all villages about asking for the sponsor budget from the main center department.       

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How to Cite
Phonhan, T., & Ladavalya Na Ayuthya, S. . (2023). Quality of Life and Public Services Accessibility through the Highlander Maejai District, Phayao Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(9), 235–250. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/262444
Research Article


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