Factors Effecting Public Participation in Organizing the Local Development Plans of Sa-ardchaisri Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Don Chan District, Kalasin Province
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The purpose of this study was to study 1) the level of factors affecting people's participation in the preparation of local development plans; 2) the level of people's participation in the preparation of local development plans; public participation in the preparation of local development plans and and 3) the necessary factors for these needs perhaps in local development plans. which is a quantitative research. The research tools were questionnaires. The sample group used in the research were 353 people aged 18 years and over who had the right to vote in the Sa-ad Chaisri Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Don Chan District, Kalasin Province, The statistic used were frequency distribution, average, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and Enter multiple regression.
The results of the research were as follows: 1) The level of factors affecting people's participation in the preparation of local development plans. Overall, it was at a high level. 2) The level of people's participation in the preparation of local development plans. Overall, it was at a high level, 3) Factors affecting people's participation in the preparation of local development plans of Sa-ad Chaisri Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Don Chan District, Kalasin Province. political factors communication factor environmental factors The dependent variable was able to explain the participation of the people in the preparation of the local development plan of the Sa-ad Chaisri Sub-District Administrative Organization, Don Chan District, Kalasin Province at 72.30 percent with an R2 value of .723, an F value of 227.333 and an Adjusted value. R2 equals .720,
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