An Enhancement of second year vocational certificate students’ Reading Comprehension Ability Through KWL, Nakhonsawan Technical college

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Warunee Kradniam
Henry Yuh Anchunda


          The purposes of this research were 1) to compare the students’ ability of English reading comprehension skill before and after learning through KWL technique 2) to study the students’ satisfied toward learning management to improve their reading comprehension skill with KWL teaching technique. The sample populations were the 34 of the second-year vocational certificate students selected by purposive sampling who enrolled Reading Authentic Materials in English Course for Semester 2 (2/2022). The instruments used in this study were 4 lesson plans, pre-test and post-test, and the questionnaire for collecting the students’ satisfied in the enhancement of English reading comprehension ability through KWL technique. The data were analyzed by Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test. The results of the research were as follows:
          1. The students’ ability of English reading comprehension skill after learning with KWL teaching technique was significantly higher than before at the level of 0.5
          2. The students’ satisfied toward the learning management to improve their reading comprehension skill with KWL – Plus were at a high level (𝑥̅= 4.65)

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How to Cite
Kradniam, W., & Yuh Anchunda, H. . (2023). An Enhancement of second year vocational certificate students’ Reading Comprehension Ability Through KWL, Nakhonsawan Technical college . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 521–535. retrieved from
Research Article


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