Guidelines for Solid Waste Management within Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province

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Jiramet janthachot
kampanart wongwatthanaphong


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the state of the solid waste management within Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province, 2) to compare the personal factors to the solid waste management within Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province, and 3) to present the guidelines for the solid waste management within t Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province. This study applied the Mixed Method Research with the Quantitative Research by the Survey Research. The sample was 338 people in Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality from the table of Yamane. The tool of this study was the questionnaire with the 0.835 of reliability. The statistics used Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test with One-Way ANOVA. Moreover, the Qualitative Research used the in-depth interview from 7 key informants and the data analysis with the description. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Overall, the state of the solid waste management within Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province was at the high level. 2) The comparison of the personal factors to the solid waste management within Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province found that the people having the personal of living in this area had no the different opinion to the solid waste management. The hypothesis was denied. 3) The guidelines for the solid waste management within t Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province were the guidelines for the solid waste management with the efficiency and sustainability had 2 steps: the 1st step was improving the law relating the solid waste management to work untroubledly and the 2nd step was the mixed solid waste management in the correct ways.

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How to Cite
janthachot, J. ., & wongwatthanaphong, kampanart. (2023). Guidelines for Solid Waste Management within Kamphaeng Din Subdistrict Municipality, Sam Ngam District, Phichit Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 282–293. Retrieved from
Research Article


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